Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Development of Significant Knowledge That Can Be Beneficial

Question: Business Strategies and Ensure Long-Term Success of the Company? Answer: Introducation For this paper, two weekly materials selected include week what is strategy, and week business model innovation. Both the e-learning activities supported in obtaining various key ideas as well as the development of significant knowledge that can be beneficial to apply in order to make sure about the long-term growth and success of the company. One of the key ideas obtained from the e-learning activity strategy is that business strategy is different from goals, objectives, and tactics. However, there are some managers, who mix business strategies and tactics consequently affecting the successful completion of the strategies. Moreover, it is learned that tactics and goals support the managers in successfully implementing business strategies and ensure long-term success of the company (Thompson and Martin, 2010). For example, pursue a global strategy, be the low cost provider, integrate a set of regular acquisitions, always be the first mover, and move from defence to industrial applica tions are some examples of business goals and tactics. Another key idea developed from the e-learning activity is that in current business world, businesses are considered as a modern-day war due to increased competition, dynamic external environment, and regular changes in the customers' expectations (Harrison and John, 2013). Thus, to ensure success in such an environment, it becomes important for the managers to design effective strategies as well as tactics to contribute in the success. It is also learned that an effective strategy should provide answer of four questions including the market, where a firm should compete, consideration of the unique value, resources and capabilities to be applied, and sustain unique value (Moutinho, 2011). In addition to this, it is also found out that a company can intend or realize strategies. Moreover, for today's business world, strategy is more about actual actions of the company rather than its intentions. The chosen organization is Agrico UK limited that could be benefited from the application of the idea obtained from the e-learning activity about strategy. It is because through the implementation of these ideas, the company can better its current performance in today's dynamic and competitive business environment. For instance, Agrico should design a new business strategy along with defining clear tactics to ensure the attainment of business aim and objectives such as to deliver the highest quality seed potatoes to the consumers in a sustainable and reliable manner (Agrico UK Ltd, 2009). Moreover, for developing an effective strategy, firstly, the company should identify a suitable market. For example, determine on cost reduction, provide unique and innovative products, and use of new and latest technologies to compete in the market. Secondly, Agrico should recognize the ways to create unique value for customers such as provide high quality seed potatoes, after sale service, and foc us on safety measures (Hill and Jones, 2008). In addition, the company should identify the resources and capabilities such as financial resources, human power, and technical expertise to be utilized to ensure the successful implementation of the strategy. Lastly, the managers at Agrico should work to sustain its unique values to avoid imitation by competitors in order to attain long-term benefits. For example, currently Agrico has a technical grower team for producing high grade seed potatoes. The company can utilize this team for implementing the new business strategy and attain and sustain the competitive advantage. Business Model Innovation A key thought obtained from the e-learning activity is that imitation and innovation are two different terms and through a successful innovation a firm can attain competitive advantage over its competitors. Moreover, it is also learned that innovation and invention are also two different terms as invention supports in finding solutions to a problem through creative ideas (Trapp, 2014). On the other hand, innovation is a process to make an invention a business success. The main steps of the successful innovation process include invention, ideation, integration, and implementation. It is also found that continuous and successful innovation supported many companies including Apply, eBay, Google, Amazon, etc. to get ahead from competition as well as maintain growth and survival. The learning activity also taught about the essential requirements for successful innovation. These include huge resources, a new idea, and uninterrupted technology advancement (Armstrong and Taylor, 2017). For e xample, it is found that Apple highly invests in RD activities as well as technologies to continuously support its innovative processes so that the execution of a new idea can be successful. It is the reason that the company successfully designed the series of iPhone, and other products including iTunes. In addition, the ability of the company to manage its innovative processes effectively provides sustainable competitive advantage over competitors. For the reason, through innovation, companies like Apple are able to bring invisible changes for the people that the competitors cannot easily imitate. It is also learned that a business model innovation must answer some questions to make sure about the success. These include the recognition of the target market, customers' needs and expectations, creation of value and produce revenue (Thota and Munir, 2011). It is because when companies identify their target market with their expectations, it enables them to design a more efficient prod uct that can create value for customers as well as provide adequate returns to the company by enhancing customer satisfaction. Concurrently, it is also learned that managers must develop understanding about the key factors that can ensure the success of business model innovation. The main factors include consideration of a single business model at a time, communication of innovation to different stakeholders particularly customers, ensure sufficient time and management commitment so that necessary resources can be arranged for the long-term success of innovation (Armstrong, 2011). Vodafone is the chosen organization as with the application of above ideas it can improve its current position. For instance, currently, Vodafone is facing issues to improve its offerings such as cut tariffs, improve network and voice quality service, free calls, and unlimited data, etc. It is because with the some new entrants such as Reliance Jio, customers expectations has been changed (Verma, 2016). Thus, to get ahead from the competition, the company requires to implement a business model innovation. Moreover, as a part of this, Vodafone should effectively analyze the customers' expectations and decide on the ways that can create long term value for both the companies and the customers. The company can encourage its employees as well as loyal customers to bring new ideas to lead an effective innovation. In addition to this, Vodafone should ensure sufficient management support so that required resources can be arranged to implement the idea successfully. The company should also f ocus on developing resource based capabilities as well as strengthen the current technological base to support innovation and ensure its long-term success. References Agrico UK Ltd (2009) Company Profile. Available at: https://www.agrico.co.uk/agrico-uk-company-profile/ [Accessed: 1st May, 2017]. Armstrong, M. (2011) Armstrong's Handbook of Strategic Human Resource Management. UK: Kogan Page Publishers. Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S. (2017) Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. UK: Kogan Page Publishers. Harrison, J. H. and John, C. H. (2013) Foundations in Strategic Management. USA: Cengage Learning. Hill, C. W. L. and Jones, G. R. (2008) Essentials of Strategic Management. USA: Cengage Learning. Moutinho, L. (2011) Strategic Management in Tourism. UK: CABI. Thompson, J. L. and Martin, F. (2010) Strategic Management: Awareness Change. USA: Cengage Learning EMEA. Thota, H. and Munir, Z. (2011) Key Concepts in Innovation. UK: Palgrave Macmillan. Trapp, M. (2014) Realizing Business Model Innovation: A Strategic Approach for Business Unit Managers. Germany: Springer Science Business Media. Verma (2016) How Reliance Jio has shaken the Indian telecom sector. Available at: https://www.in.techradar.com/news/networking/How-Reliance-Jio-has-shaken-the-Indian-telecom-sector/articleshow/53943194.cms [Accessed: 10th April, 2017]

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