Saturday, December 21, 2019

Hiv / Aids Among Youth - 2246 Words

HIV/AIDS among Youth in Florida Adolescents aged 15-24 make up almost 13% of the total population of Florida, which consists mostly of youths. According to the statistics carried out in 2010 in Florida, 58% of people living there are white, 16% are African Americans/ Black, 23% are Hispanic, and 2% are Asians. This shows that the country is made up of people from different races and ethnic groups. Research carried in 1995 showed that Florida is among the states with the largest percentage of adolescents. Most of these adolescents are infected with HIV/AIDS. Due to the young population dominating in the region, it is ranked among the states that are highly affected by HIV/AIDS (Alford et al., 2003). The prevalence of HIV/AIDS has risen over the years especially among adolescents in Florida. The number of such cases is expected to increase by 2025 if there will be no campaigns to fight against HIV/AIDS in the country. According to the report, in 2011, 5394 adults and adolescent were re ported to have contracted HIV in Florida. With this figure, Florida was ranked to be the second among the fifty states based on the number of HIV cases that were reported in the year 2011 (Kohler et al., 2011). Mostly, adolescents are referred to as young children aged between 13 and 19 ages and young adults of 20-24 years old. In the year 2012, there were 139 and 520 cases of AIDS among the adolescents and the young adults respectively. Between the ages of 13 and 19,Show MoreRelatedGrowing Public Acceptance Of Hiv / Aids Patients Essay1628 Words   |  7 PagesGrowing public acceptance of HIV/Aids patients: Amy Khor PUBLISHED DEC 2, 2015 ON THE STRAITS TIMES ( In the article â€Å"Growing public acceptance of HIV/Aids patients†, the author, Salma Khalik, reports on an increasing acceptance of people diagnosed with HIV/Aids in Singapore yet, the stigma and discrimination that surrounds these patients still persists. 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